Your patients are already online. You should be, too.

Your patients are already online.
You should be, too.

Thousands of doctors have already moved on into the future of providing health care. Don’t get left behind.

Do it just like in your physical clinic

Cater to multiple consultations at a time. More patients reached per day.
Signing up is FREE.
No monthly or annual fees.
Easy to use and available in multiple platforms – web, android and iOS.
Receive your professional fees direct to your account.
Have all the information you need. Instantly look at a patient’s health history when the consultation starts.
Have a conversation through chat and video as needed. Request for photos and other documents during the conversation.
Give out automated digital prescriptions, medical certificates, and laboratory test requests.

Give attention only
to what you need.
No distractions.

Most apps have a TON of features, 80% of which are unnecessary and distracting to what doctors need to focus on daily. Housecall shows you a dashboard of the only statistics you need to look at daily. No annoying distractions.

Freedom to give
your own discounts
per consultation

We know you do it. Out of the abundance of your heart, you sometimes give patients discounts for your fees. In Housecall, when the situation calls for it, you can.

Get more time.

Whether the goal is to cater to more patients per day, have more time for hospital rounds or for your own family, doing consultations online is ideal.
Patients who dont necessarily need to physically go to your clinic can access you in Housecall. Quicker, same -even better results.

Get in touch with us

Questions? Concerns? Suggestions to make our service better? Send us a message by filling out the form indicated below.